Short Course in International Marketing Blunders, 5th Edition


Pub. Date: 2022
Pages: 182
Format: PDF Download
File Size: 10″X7″ (25.4X17.78cm)

SKU: 1-60780-080-2 Category:


Marketing Mistakes Made by Companies that Should Have Known Better

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International Marketing Blunders is about mistakes made by companies who should have known better. As a counterpoint to exclusively studying “the correct way” or only following the patterns of successful companies, this book gives the reader the opportunity to learn and profit from the mistakes of others.

International Marketing Blunders is about mistakes made by companies who should have known better. As a counterpoint to exclusively studying “”the correct way”” or only following the patterns of successful companies, this book gives the reader the opportunity to learn and profit from the mistakes of others.

Chapter 1: The Why of International Market Blunders
Chapter 2: Language and Translation Blunders
Chapter 3: Product and Service Blunders
Chapter 4: Distribution Blunders
Chapter 5: Advertising Blunders
Chapter 6: Japan: A World Unto Itself
Chapter 7: Internal International” Blunders
Chapter 8: Applying the Lessons Learned
Chapter 9: The (Almost) Blunder-Proof International Marketing Plan
Chapter 10: Glossary
Chapter 11: Resources

Michael D. White is the Executive Director of the Foreign Trade Association of Southern California. He holds a certificate in international business from the International Institute in Tokyo and a degree in journalism from California State University. In his 23-year career as a journalist, he covered international trade as managing editor of World Trade Magazine, Pacific Shipper, and International Thomson Transport Press. Series Editor: Edward G. Hinkelman