AtoZ World Superstitions and Folklore


Pub. Date: 2008
Pages: 415
Format: PDF Download
File Size: 7″X10″ (17.78X25.4cm)

SKU: 1-60780-119-1 Category:


175 Countries: Spirit Worship, Curses, Mystical Characters, Folk Tales, Burial and the Dead, Animals, Food, Marriage, Good Luck, Bad Luck, Totems and Amulets and Ancestor Spirits

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A to Z World Superstitions & Folklore is an encyclopedia featuring myths, legends and irrational beliefs passed down through generations in 175 countries worldwide. Detailed entries on spirit worship, curses, mystical characters, folk tales, burial and the dead, animals, food, marriage, good luck, bad luck, totems and amulets, and ancestor spirits show for whom such beliefs are an integral means for coping with life and for whom they’re merely quirky traditions.

A to Z World Superstitions & Folklore is part of the World Trade Press A to Z World Culture Series. Individual titles in the series focus on a specific cultural topic for the 175 countries covered and offer broad factual information, deep insight and thoughtful analysis. Throughout each volume, the list of topics and the depth of coverage for each country is consistent¾a great advantage when the reader needs information on smaller or less well-known countries. Furthermore, coverage goes far deeper than typical “scratch the surface” guidebooks. Content comes from the World Trade Press A to Z World Culture proprietary database, considered by thousands of public and academic libraries to be the most comprehensive cultural database in the world.